October 12, 2022

Setup Authelia bare metal with OpenID and Cloudflare Tunnel on a hardened ProxMox LXC Ubuntu 22.04 LTS container

I was looking for a secure and reliable way to expose some of my homelab webinterfaces and APIs to the public. I decided to go for a Cloudflare Tunnel, so I don't need to open any port like 443 on my firewall and use Authelia and OpenID as an identity provider to securely authenticate and […]

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May 31, 2020

Setup secure SSH to key only access with custom user/port on Raspbian/Ubuntu

This quick guide shows my standard routine for setting up secure SSH on new fresh installs of Raspbian or Ubuntu VMs. First if you are still using any system default user like "pi" or "root" or "admin", change this and create your own, custom user. Lets start in this example with our new user name […]

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